Certificate of Appropriateness application for the Soap Factory to be discussed at upcoming HPC public hearing

The Certificate of Appropriateness application for the Soap Factory will be discussed at the HPC public hearing that will take place on Tuesday July 28, 2020 at 4:30 pm. Please read details below.


June 12, 2020

Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association

500 8th Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Application for Certificate of Appropriateness
Union Railway Storage Company (aka The Soap Factory) 110 5th Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Dear Mr. Chris Lautenschlager and the Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association:

This letter is to inform you of the proposed work by Peter Deanovic of Buhl Soap, LLC, at The Soap Factory at 514 2nd Street Southeast. The Soap Factory (historically known as the Union Railway Storage Company building) is located within the locally and nationally designated St. Anthony Falls Historic District and all exterior work at the property is subject to review by the Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC).

The Soap Factory is currently in the process of applying to the HPC for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a Master Sign Plan that includes exterior building and tenant signage. This Master Sign Plan addresses signage types, locations, size, materials, installation, and illumination. Specifically, this Master Sign Plan includes eight (8) new signs proposed at the property:

1. Wall Signs

  • One wall sign installed on the east side of the entrance door of the 1938 one-story addition at the north façade. This sign is a tenant identification plaque for the tenant to occupy the lower and first level of the 1938 addition. The sign will consist of a small aluminum placard mounted to the wall through the mortar joints. The sign will not be illuminated.

  • One wall sign installed at the past sign location between the 1st level of the 1938 addition and second level of the 1949 addition on the west façade. This sign will provide visibility for the tenant to occupy the lower and first level of the 1938 addition. The sign will consist of painted individual aluminum letters stud mounted on a raceway, mounted itself to the wall through the mortar joints, and will not be illuminated.

  • One wall sign installed at the historic sign location at the south end of the top of the 1892 addition at the west façade. This sign will provide visibility for the building on the west primary facade. The sign will be a painted sign and will not be illuminated.

2. Projecting Signs

  • One projecting sign installed above the north pedestrian entrance at the first level of the 1885 building at the west façade. This sign will provide visitor wayfinding information for the building.

  • One projecting sign installed at the historic sign location above the south pedestrian entrance at the first level of the 1885 building at the west façade, resembling signage in the historic photo. This sign will provide visitor wayfinding information for the tenant to occupy the west portion of the lower and first level of the 1885 building.

  • One projecting sign installed on the east side of the central loading door entrance at the first level of the 1885 building at the south façade. This sign will provide visitor wayfinding information for the tenant to occupy the east portion of the lower and first level of the 1885 building.

  • Projecting signs will be installed perpendicular to the façades, consist of a painted aluminum blade sign with vinyl lettering, and be connected to the masonry through two permanent mounting plates. Each projecting sign will be externally lit with two LED lights on a metal arm attached to the top or bottom of the sign.

3. Ground Sign

The ground sign previously approved at the northeast corner of the 1938 addition is revised and slightly shifted to the east due to a conflict with underground utilities. This sign will provide visibility to the recessed primary entrance of the building at the north façade and identify the tenants occupying the building. The sign will be a 5-feet-tall, 8-inch-thick concrete monument sign that will feature individual aluminum letters and metal slats with vinyl-applied lettering mounted on metal rails. The sign will be externally lit with one spotlight at the base of the sign.

4. Canopy Sign

One canopy sign installed above the new metal canopy at the north loading dock. This sign will provide wayfinding to the primary entrance of the building, which is set back from 2nd Street SE. It will consist of a painted, aluminum pan sign that will sit on a metal mounting plate connected to the new metal roof of the canopy. It will be externally lit with a linear LED light bar attached to the sign.

New History is The Soap Factory’s authorized representative for this project. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you have regarding the project. We will follow up with you via email to let you know when the date of the public hearing for this Certificate of Appropriateness is set.




575 9th St SE. Ste. 215

Minneapolis, MN 55414