History + Historic Places

History and Historic Areas and Places Lead: Open for volunteers.

Purpose and Goals:

Preservation of Historic places in Marcy-Holmes

  • Enhance and protect Marcy-Holmes designated historic districts (5th Street, St. Anthony Falls, U of M Greek Letter Chapter House, Dinkytown Commercial and the Mary Lochren Student
  • Rooming Homes Historic Districts) as well as individual city and nationally cited historic properties.
  • Identify properties that may be candidates for inclusion on local and national historic registers.Identify historic properties that are in disrepair and in apparent violation of local codes.
    • The committee seeks to work with current property owners to encourage and assist them in bringing their historic properties into compliance by helping them connect with appropriate sources to address property issues.

Local History

  • Enhance understanding of this neighborhood from prehistory to the present.
  • Gauge interest in engaging current and past residents to share their stories of life in the community through interviews, videos, displays, exhibits or publications.
  • Is a museum possible?




PDF Presentation for June 13, 2023

Zoom Information
Topic: MHNA History and Historic Areas + Places Workgroup
Time: Jun 13, 2023 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 9612 3161
Passcode: 985894

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Meeting ID: 844 9612 3161
Passcode: 985894

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