We would like to work with you and other property owners in the Dinkytown neighborhood to set up string lighting along as many properties in Dinkytown as we can. From our perspective, 5th Street SE between 35W and 13th Avenue SE would be a great way to start. There are a number of Greek chapter houses on that stretch, and in some places could span an entire block.
What can MHNA contribute? Our program will reimburse expenses up to $250 per property for the cost of purchasing lights, timers and for the installation of lighting strings on posts, and code-compliant electric lines where needed.
If we act quickly, we can get improved lighting going as soon as this summer. I would be more than happy to meet with anyone within the community and other property owners to brainstorm ideas, answer questions, and identify and meet challenges along the way. Feel free to contact MHNA President Vic Thorstenson at [email protected].
Download the reimbursement form Here --> Word Version | PDF Version
Read more about how MHNA wants to improved lighting in the neighborhood Here --> PDF