Join us in expanding organics recycling in Marcy-Holmes!
Give back to nature with organics recycling.
About 30 percent of what we throw away is organic waste, which includes food scraps and food-soiled paper products. Organics recycling programs involve collecting fruits, vegetables, bones, meat, bread, eggshells, paper towels, tissues and more for recycling into compost. Compost is a nutrient-rich soil additive used in landscaping and road construction projects. Organics recycling is an easy way to reduce waste and create a valuable resource that improves soil, reduces soil erosion and decreases the need for chemical fertilizers.
Click HERE to learn more about how to participate in residential organics recycling in Minneapolis.
Organics Recycling Shared Drop-off Sites:
Do you live in Marcy-Holmes and don't have access to organics recycling? Interested participants who sign up will receive with detailed instructions, resource information, and the code to access the secured organics recycling bins.
Did you know . . . ?
The City of Minneapolis provides organics pick-up service for single family and 2-4-unit dwellings: Organics recycling pick-up service is available at no additional cost for all Minneapolis residents living in rental or owner-occupied single-family homes or small multi-unit dwellings (4 units or less). Click HERE to sign up for City pick-up service today.
Live in a rental unit without current access to organics recycling offered by your property manager?
Single family and small multi-unit dwellings (2-4-units): Share this information with your landlord! Your property manager might not know that access to organics recycling service is important to you, and can be added at no additional cost, unless you let them know.
Large multi-unit dwellings (5 units+): While not yet legally required to do so, large apartment managers can also chose to make organics recycling services available to their tenants through their individual waste carrier. If organics recycling is not currently available at your apartment, you can let your property manager know this is a valuable service to you as a tenant, and consider joining with other residents to strengthen the message.
You can also make your property management aware of Hennepin County organics recycling start-up grant opportunities for businesses to help defray the costs and encourage expansion of organics recycling by property managers and other businesses. As an immediate option, you can sign up to participate in the new shared public neighborhood drop-off site at ULCH.
Questions or want to get involved in MHNA efforts to expand organics recycling in Marcy-Holmes?
Please contact Chris Lautenschlager, MHNA Executive Director, at [email protected].