MPRB Public Hearing: Marcy Park Improvements

Wednesday, March 03, 2021 at 06:30 PM

Event contact

Julia Roessler



Marcy Park concept plan - detail


Individuals are welcome to submit comments for a public hearing on approval of the concept plan for improvement at Marcy Park. The hearing will take place on Wednesday, March 3 at 6:30pm, during the scheduled meeting of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB).

The improvements at Marcy Park include new paths, a new fenced off-leash dog park with a stormwater infiltration area, a half-court basketball court, a new electrical service, and several alternate items like picnic tables and benches. The hearing is the culmination of 11 months of planning; construction is planned for this year and 2022.

Scroll down for information on submitting comments; virtual Board meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic; and Marcy Park improvements project. 

How to submit public hearing comments 

To minimize the risk of exposure to or potential spread of COVID-19, MPRB has added options for comments to be submitted for its virtual public meetings and hearings, authorized under Minn. Stat. Section 13D.02.

Most Commissioners call in to Board meetings, which are broadcast live via webcast and TV and also posted on YouTube, usually two days after the meeting.

There are two options to submit Public Hearing comments:

1. Call in by phone (recommended)

• To sign up, complete this form before 12 noon on the day of the meeting.

• Speakers will receive a conference call-in number and ID one hour before the meeting

• Use the number and ID to call into the meeting at its the scheduled time

• After you enter the meeting, the committee chair will provide guidance for commenting

• Speakers can watch the live meeting broadcast

• Be aware there is a 20- to 30-second lag between the call and the broadcast

• When you are called on to speak, please remember turn off the sound from the broadcast 

2. Write-in

Send your comment to [email protected] by noon on the day of the board meeting

More information 

MPRB Board Meetings

View live meetings and previous meetings online 

Marcy Park Site Improvements – Phase 1

Project Contact

Julia Roessler

Design and Project Management Division, Planning Department

Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board

612.230.6463 / [email protected]



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