Monthly Meeting of MHNA's COVID-19 Response Task Force
Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 6:30 pm (this meeting was originally listed for 7 pm)
Online, via Zoom
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MHNA COVID-19 Task-Force Meeting
September 8th, 2020 6:30pm
- Introductions and Check-In
- Update on Task-Force leadership
- Marcy Holmes Cares Campaign
- Facebook and Web Updates
- Neighborhood Communication
- Signs ordered
- Volunteers to post signs
- Mask Distribution
- SE Seniors & Homemade Masks
- Purchasing disposable masks
- How would we like to distribute masks?
- Look! Bench and Sharing Boxes
- Bench installed at UBC
- Coordination with OCL and UBC for new sharing box
- Unsheltered Neighbors and Food Insecurity
- Star Tribune Article
- How can we address the increase in food insecurity?
- How can we address facilities access for unsheltered neighbors?
- New Business?