Comments sought on proposed changes to the City Charter

Comments sought on proposed changes to the City Charter


The Charter Commission holds its first public hearing July 15

The Minneapolis Charter Commission is seeking public comments on a proposed amendment to the City Charter related to the future of public safety. People can submit their comments online or provide them directly to members of the commission at a July 15 public hearing.


The proposed amendment, submitted by the City Council, proposes removing the Police Department from the charter and adding a new Community Safety & Violence Prevention Department. Under State law, the Charter Commission is required to review and submit its recommendation(s) on the proposed amendment before a ballot question can be presented to voters.

The first of two virtual public hearings takes place at the next Charter Commission meeting, 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 15. Participation instructions will be published on the City’s website.

Other ways to comment

Minneapolis Charter Commission
City Hall – Room 304
350 South Fifth St.
Minneapolis, MN 55415