Minneapolis City Hall350 S 5th St
Room 317
Minneapolis, MN 55415
United States
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Event contact
Lindsey Silas612.673.2653
The City of Minneapolis received the following two appeals regarding the December 9, 2019 decision for the properties located at 407 15th Ave SE, 1412 and 1428 5th St SE, 1413 and 1417 4th St SE:
Ryan Sadowy, of Clark Street Holdings, is appealing:
- Denial of a variance to increase the maximum floor area ratio from 3.78 to 6.04.
- Denial of a variance to reduce the minimum loading requirement from 3 small spaces to 1 small space.
- Denial of a site plan review.
Cordelia Pierson is appealing:
- Approval of a conditional use permit to increase the maximum allowed height in the C3A District from 4 stories or 56 feet to 10 stories or 119 feet.
- Approval of a variance to reduce the minimum parking requirement from 310 spaces to 207 spaces.
This matter will receive an additional public hearing before the Zoning and Planning Committee of the Minneapolis City Council on February 6, 2020 at 10 A.M. in Room 317 City Hall, 350 S 5th St. You are invited to attend and be heard.
For further information or to express support or concern, contact:
Lindsey Silas, Senior City Planner
250 S 4th St Room 300, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone (612) 673-2653 Fax (612) 673-2526
E-mail: [email protected]
For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats please contact 612-673-3710. People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-673-2157 or 612-673-2626.
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