MHNA's Bylaws require the Association to appoint a Nominations Committee each year, at the January membership meeting.
From the bylaws:
Section 1. A Nominations Committee of no fewer than one (1) elected Directors shall be proposed by the President and ratified by the Membership at the General Membership meeting in January. Those eligible to serve on the Nominations Committee are elected Directors in the first year of their current term or who would be eligible for reelection and declare they do not wish to serve another term, former Officers or Directors who are not currently serving on the Board and are not seeking nomination, and Members of the Association who are not seeking nominations.
Section 2. The Nominations Committee shall conduct the elections of Officers and Directors as set forth in Articles VI and VIII of these Bylaws.
The 2022 Nominations Committee will be appointed at the next Marcy-Holmes Membership meeting, to be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.