City of Minneapolis News Update • 7/10/20

This newsletter provides updates on the City's response to COVID-19, an overview of recovery efforts underway, efforts to transform public safety and other important news and information from the City of Minneapolis.

To subscribe to this City-produced newsletter, please click HERE.


Public invited to participate in upcoming public hearings on revised 2020 City budget


The City Council’s Budget Committee will hold two public hearings, July 14 and 22, on proposed revisions to the City’s 2020 budget. The City is facing approximately $156 million in projected revenue losses because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mayor Jacob Frey presented the second phase of his revised budget proposal to the City Council’s Budget Committee July 9. The proposal avoids mass layoffs of City employees by relying on existing spending freezes, use of cash reserves, program cuts and furloughs. The budget also prioritizes preserving housing, economic development and racial equity work that will benefit the communities of color who have been hit hardest by COVID-19.

Frey’s Phase 1 response to the impact of COVID-19 included spending and hiring freezes and has saved approximately $58 million to date. Engage and share your voice in this process during two online public hearings:

• 6:05 p.m. Tuesday, July 14

• 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 22

The City Council is scheduled to hold a budget markup July 17 and vote July 24 on a revised 2020 budget.

You can watch the online meetings and participate in the online public hearings.

For more information about the City’s budget, visit

Public hearings July 15 and 21 on proposed charter amendment creating new Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention

The Minneapolis Charter Commission is seeking public comments on a proposed amendment to the City charter related to the future of public safety. People can submit their comments online or provide them directly to members of the commission at a public hearing July 15 or July 21.

The proposed amendment, submitted by the City Council, proposes removing the Police Department from the charter and adding a new Community Safety & Violence Prevention Department. Under State law, the Charter Commission is required to review and submit its recommendation(s) on the proposed amendment before a ballot question can be presented to voters.

The virtual public hearings will take place at 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 15, and at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 21. Participation instructions will be published on the City’s website. If you’re interested in speaking at either or both of the public hearings, you can pre-register using the online registration form.

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Update on City's response to homelessness

Minneapolis has experienced an unprecedented growth in homeless encampments since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are several large encampments citywide with the largest currently at Powderhorn Park in south Minneapolis. There are roughly 100 encampments throughout the city, most of which are small in size.

The City is working with Hennepin County to help connect people experiencing homelessness to housing, shelter and services while preserving dignity and respect. The response includes:

  • The City has placed more than 15 hygiene stations throughout the city including portable toilets, handwashing stations, used syringe containers and trash receptables.
  • The City Health Department is coordinating public health services at large encampments.
  • Officers from the Minneapolis Police Department Homeless and Vulnerable Persons Initiative deliver food and water and help people access resources.
  • The City works with contracted outreach providers to connect encampment residents with services, shelter and housing.
  • The City and County will be soliciting proposals from community partners for federal COVID-19 funding to expand outreach and rapid rehousing services and to make investments in expanding shelter capacity.

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Have you experienced a mental health crisis?


The City of Minneapolis wants to hear from residents who have experienced or witnessed a mental health crisis. Who did you call? Who showed up? How were you treated? Did you feel safe? Were your needs met? 

A team of residents and staff are redesigning the way calls are handled by the City. We want to hear your perspectives and uplift your voices to make real change in our communities. The survey is open to all and responses are anonymous. 

Click here to start the survey now.

If you have questions, please email the Office of Performance & Innovation at [email protected].

Help redesign the system for reporting non-emergency crimes to the City of Minneapolis

The City of Minneapolis wants to hear from residents who have experienced and reported a non-emergency crime. Such situations include theft, property damage, or parking issues. Who did you talk to? Were your needs met? What was the experience like? 

A team of residents and staff are redesigning the way calls are handled by the City. We want to hear your perspectives and uplift your voices to make real change in our communities. The survey is open to all and responses are anonymous. 

Click here to start the survey now.

If you have questions, please email the Office of Performance & Innovation at [email protected].

Voters are encouraged to vote by mail this election year


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging voting early by mail, and Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services supports this and other CDC and Minneapolis Department of Health recommendations to make sure every voter in Minneapolis can safely cast their ballots this election year. 

Early voting has begun for the Aug. 11 State primary and special election – Council Ward 6. Ballots may be cast early by mail or in person at the Early Vote Center, 980 East Hennepin Ave. Requested mail-in ballots are now being mailed to Minneapolis voters.

More information on how to vote by mail is available at

'20 is Plenty' speed limit yard signs available at Minneapolis fire stations


Minneapolis and Saint Paul are in the process of implementing new, lower speed limits to support safer streets. Slower speeds on local streets make travel safer for everyone no matter how you get around.

The new speed limit starting this fall will be 20 mph in both cities unless otherwise signed. To help get out the word about the new speed limits and the importance of slower speeds for safety, the City has yard signs available for community members.

You can pick up your “20 is Plenty” yard sign at any Minneapolis fire station. Signs will be available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. through July 24 while supplies last. Due to COVID-19, signs will be available outside the stations for no-contact pickup. Signs come with metal stands. Find your nearest fire station here.

Learn more about the new speed limits

Everyone can work to reduce the spread of COVID-19

We’re working hard to slow the spread of the coronavirus to save lives. Social exposures and contacts are increasing as more places open back up, and young adults now account for more than 50% of cases.

  • Wear masks when in public. 10-50% of virus carriers are asymptomatic, so they don’t even know they’re sick. Wearing masks helps control the virus and has been shown to lower COVID-19 spread. 
  • Avoid enclosed spaces with groups of people, where the virus can linger in the air for long periods of time.
  • Get tested if you have cold or flu-like symptoms. Find testing locations.
  • Stay 6 feet away from others.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or sleeve, or a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands afterwards.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom or before eating. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your face – especially your eyes, nose and mouth – with unwashed hands.
  • Do not go to “COVID parties” – Young adults face a real risk of significant illness and complications. They can also pass the virus along to family members and other people in the community.

Donate homemade face masks at Minneapolis fire stations for Mask Drive Mondays

Minneapolis residents can deliver homemade masks to their local fire station from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Monday for Mask Drive Mondays. The City's Health Department continues to get requests from the community for help securing masks and the donations make a big difference in meeting those needs.

mask up

Public health information: Slow the spread of COVID-19


City's Cultural Radio Programs

Tune into the City's cultural radio programs for COVID-19 updates. The City has programs on KMOJ 89.9 FM (English); La Raza 95.7 FM (Spanish); KALY 101.7 FM (Somali); and WIXK AM 1590 (Hmong.) Radio shows schedule