Marcy-Holmes Park Dedication Fees Meeting #3

Monday, April 20, 2020 at 06:30 PM

Event contact

Chris Lautenschlager


Monday, April 20, 2020, 6:30 pm

Presentation to be given


The meeting will continue our conversation about Father Hennepin Park, and will also introduce possible changes for Marcy Park.

We will be holding this meeting remotely. Login information can be requested by email [email protected].

You don't have to download Zoom to access this meeting, but if you would like to, visit here:

Jon Duesman (MPRB Project Manager) and Cliff Swenson (MPRB Director of Design & Project Management) will present the current design of Father Hennepin Park that the MPRB could start implementing in early 2021. The team would like to discuss the possible use of Park Dedication Fees that Marcy-Holmes current holds, and how these funds could complement funding already set aside for the park.

For more information about this meeting, and past meetings, please visit:

For questions about this meeting, please contact Chris Lautenschlager, MHNA Executive Director at [email protected] or 612.623.7633.


Earlier Presentations

Presentation to Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood | February 13, 2020

Presentation to Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood | March 5, 2020


Investigate each neighborhood park Master Plan:

Elwell Park | Father Hennepin (Design Document) | Holmes Park | Marcy Park

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