Joining the Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association is easy.
We only require that you live, own property or own a business in the Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood or the University neighborhood. For any additional clarification on the issue of membership, please refer to MHNA's bylaws, found HERE.
We ask that you fill out this membership form online. If you would prefer to do it offline, please request a paper form from the our office.
MHNA is a 501c3 nonprofit. There are no dues or meeting attendance requirements to be a member of our organization.
In the form below:
- If you are a homeowner or renter, please list your Marcy-Holmes or University address (please include your apartment #).
- If you are business owner, please list the address of your Marcy-Holmes or University business.
- If you are a property owner and don't live in the neighborhood, please list the address of the property you own in the Marcy-Holmes or University Neighborhood.