Evening Forum on EAB Treatment, Science

Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 06:30 PM


University Lutheran Church of Hope
601 13th Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
United States
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Event contact

Cordelia Pierson





Evening forum on EAB treatment science, efficacy

Thursday, March 26, 6:30 - 8 

University Lutheran Church of Hope (Heritage Hall)

601 13th Avenue SE


Tree Care in Marcy-Holmes: Science of Tree Treatments for Emerald Ash Borer and Funding by Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association

  • Discuss tree treatment strategies and the related science and efficacy.  
  • Make recommendations to MHNA Board about Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association tree care and resuming targeted treatment of boulevard ash trees.  



Jeff Hahn, Extension Entomologist, University of Minnesota

Phil Potyondy and Ralph Sievert, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board

Valerie McClannahan, MN Dept of Natural Resources 

Jeff Hafner, Rainbow Tree Care



Here are questions we anticipate addressing:

Questions for Forum on Science of Treatment and Funding Recommendations

What are the risks of injection treatment, compared to the risks of not treating the trees?  Is ash tree injection treatment safe for birds, pets and pollinating insects?  What injection techniques and timing reduce risk to pollinating insects?

What are the benefits of injection treatment, compared to the benefits of not treating the trees? 

How does the injection treatment of priority boulevard trees affect survival of non-treated ash trees?

For how many years should the injection treatment continue?

Scientifically, what are the reasons for Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association to pursue a targeted tree treatment strategy in Marcy-Holmes, as compared to other communities? (location, demographics)

What are the benefits of injection treatment of selected boulevard ash trees in one neighborhood, when surrounding neighborhoods, private landowners, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board may not be treating ash trees?  What strategies are recommended for ash trees not included in the treatment program, trees on private property or other public property?

We are assembling published articles and fact sheets, and also welcome your suggestions of resources.  



2019 Emerald Ash Borer in Minnesota – Report https://www.eqb.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/documents/05-%20EAB%20Report.pdf

By delaying EAB damage for just one year, Minnesota communities could save approximately $140 million in management costs and property value reduction.

Guidelines to Slow the Growth and Spread of Emerald Ash Borer https://www.mda.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/inline-files/eabmgmtguidelines.pdf

Tools for Staging and Managing Emerald Ash Borer in the Urban Forest: Strategies that most heavily relied on saving ash trees were less expensive and produced a larger forest than those strategies that mostly removed and replaced ash trees. http://www.emeraldashborer.info/documents/Sadof%20et%20al%202017%20Staging%20EAB%20Infestation.pdf


Q1. What is the success rate of treatment options for EAB?
A1. The North Central Integrated Pest Management Center along with­­ Ohio State University, Michigan State University, Purdue University, University of Wisconsin and the University of Illinois developed a document titled “Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees From Emerald Ash Borer.”  The bulletin was designed to answer frequently asked questions and provide the most current information on insecticide options for controlling EAB.  Please refer to page 8 of the bulletin “How Effective Are Insecticides for Control of EAB?” for more information.  See pages 12-13 for tree injection information.

Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer Multi-state Summary (2019) http://www.emeraldashborer.info/documents/Multistate_EAB_Insecticide_Fact_Sheet.pdf

Webinar: “Effects of EAB Treatments on Pollinators” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4zPXzeDEh8&feature=youtu.be

University of  Minnesota Extension https://extension.umn.edu/tree-and-shrub-insects/emerald-ash-borers#using-pesticides-1472161



Herms and McCullough: Emerald Ash Borer Invasion of North America: History, Biology, Ecology, Impacts, and Management  

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