Mark your calendar for Census Week of Action, July 13–17. Census teams around the state – and across the country – will work together for five consecutive days to boost census awareness and engagement in the final weeks before enumerators hit the streets in early August.
With over 71% of households having completed the census already, Minnesota has the leading self-response rate in the nation. However, that means nearly 30% of households in our state still haven't been counted. Residents in those non-responsive households are likely part of historically undercounted groups, such as renters, people with low income, young adults, people of color, children under the age of five, new immigrants, and people who do not speak English as their native language. Those are the Minnesotans we are trying to reach next week, and we need your help to do that.
Messaging for Census Week of Action in Minnesota revolves around how a complete and accurate count in the 2020 Census will be critical to recovery and rebuilding efforts as our communities emerge from the current health and economic crises.
Please join us in this coordinated effort to engage and encourage those who have not yet been counted in the 2020 Census.
Here are 3 ways you can get involved in Census Week of Action:
- Sign up for a shift with Neighbors Calling Neighbors, the virtual census phone bank, and recruit others in your organization to do the same. We have a goal of 50,000 calls next week, and we need volunteers to make this happen! Remote dialing software allows people to join the phone bank from the safety and comfort of home, no matter where they live, they'll just need a phone and a computer. Click here to sign up for a shift.
- Share digital content. Our Facebook and Twitter feeds will feature fresh content each day next week, and we will make our scheduled posts available to you in advance. Be sure to use the hashtags #WeCountMN and #2020Census
- Include census information in your e-newsletter or blog. We will share customizable copy that organizations can publish via their preferred communication channels.
Watch for additional emails from us in the coming days, we’ll be sharing more details soon.
Thanks in advance for joining us for Census Week of Action.
– The We Count Minnesota team at the State Demographic Center
Follow We Count Minnesota efforts on Facebook and Twitter. Use the hashtag #WeCountMN to spread the word.