
MHNA's Bylaws require the Association to appoint an Audit Committee each year, at the January membership meeting.

From the bylaws: 


Section 1. An Audit Committee of three elected Directors, other than the four Officers, shall be proposed by the President and ratified by the Membership at the General Membership meeting in January.

Section 2. The Audit Committee shall audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer at the close of the prior fiscal year and a written report concerning the condition of the books shall be submitted to the Board at the meeting following the audit and to the General Membership no later than the June meeting. The Audit Committee shall audit the books at such other times as directed by the board or the Association.


The 2022 Audit Committee was appointed at the Marcy-Holmes Membership meeting held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. The committee members for 2022 are:

Matthew Boerst

Derek Eicholz

David Jones