Lupe Development who, in partnership with the Wall Companies as Bluff Street Development, is proposing redevelopment of the surface parking lot located at 600 Main Street SE with an affordable housing project. Concept plans for the project are for a 7-story building with approximately 80 affordable dwelling units and enclosed parking.
Lupe and Wall also partnered to develop and own the Stone Arch Apartments (601-701 Main Street) and Stone Arch Apartments 2 (520 Second Street SE), which are located across Main Street from the development site.
As a first step in the process to obtain zoning approvals from the City of Minneapolis for the project, we will be applying to change the land use classifications that were applied to the site in the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The site is currently guided for both future land use and built form as “Parks.” However, we have owned the site for over 20 years and understand from Park Board staff that they have no plan to acquire the site for park use. We propose to amend the 2040 Plan to guide the future land use of the site as “Urban Neighborhood” and to guide the built form for the site as “Corridor 6.”
You are invited to participate in a community engagement session regarding the project and the proposed amendments to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. For your convenience, the meeting will be conducted on Zoom, and recorded to permit documentation of the discussion. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 4th from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. To join the discussion, you need to have Zoom loaded on your computer/tablet/phone and click on the link below. You will be promoted to enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 3962 5688 Passcode: 600main
Call: 1 305 224 1968 Meeting ID: 826 3962 5688 Passcode: 7567335
Please contact me if you have any questions about the proposed amendments or how to participate in the meeting. My contact information is below. We look forward to connecting with you.
Cameron Flakne
[email protected]