On Thursday, May 9, 2024, the NRP Policy Board voted, in favor of the removal of the NRP Phase 2 expenditure requirement which state 70% of all funds must be spent on housing related activities.
Attached, along with the original public comment notice, is the Staff Report that was presented to the NRP Policy Board, including all public comments received during the 45 day public comment period, and the marked agenda from the meeting.
This 45-day public comment period, as authorized by the NRP Policy Board, in regards to updating the NRP Policy on housing expenditures. Currently, the NRP Phase 2 program funds must be spent on housing related activities due to Minnesota State NRP Law. After detailed research, both the Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) and Development Finance Division (DFD) of the Finance and Property Services Department have determined the program as a whole will meet the state law threshold of 52.5% of all NRP funding to be expended on housing related activities. Therefore, the NRP Policy Board has initiated a 45-day public comment period to receive feedback on removing this policy restriction.
Essentially, this action allows neighborhood organizations the ability to move all of their remaining funds into any approved neighborhood strategy. Compliance with the housing expenditure restriction would be removed.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out directly to Steve Gallagher:
Steven Gallagher
Neighborhood Program Manager
City of Minneapolis – Neighborhood and Community Relations
Crown Roller Mill, Room
425 – 105 5th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401
l Office 612.673.2905 l Cellular 612.518.8743